Words, Everyday! – May 2024

We’re back for another month of expanding your vocabulary. By now, you probably know the routine: one new word each day, and with a little effort, you’ll see great progress in enhancing your language skills. Let’s jump into the words for May.

1 May– Equanimity

Type: Noun

Origin: Latin

Definition: Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.

2 May – Assiduous

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Showing great care, attention, and perseverance.

3 May – Puerile

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Childishly silly and immature.

4 May – Truculent

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant.

5 May – Prevaricate

Type: Verb

Origin: Latin

Definition: To speak or act in an evasive way.

6 May – Implacable

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Unable to be placated or soothed.

7 May – Reticent

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily.

8 May – Sagacious

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; wise.

9 May – Apocryphal

Type: Adjective

Origin: Greek

Definition: Of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.

10 May – Proclivity

Type: Noun

Origin: Latin

Definition: A tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination toward a particular thing.

11 May – Laconic

Type: Adjective

Origin: Greek

Definition: Using very few words.

12 May – Ebullient

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; cheerful.

13 May – Perfidious

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Deceitful and untrustworthy.

14 May – Inundate

Type: Verb

Origin: Latin

Definition: Overwhelm someone with things or people to be dealt with; flood.

15 May – Expunge

Type: Verb

Origin: Latin

Definition: Erase or remove completely.

16 May – Intractable

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Hard to control or deal with.

17 May – Obviate

Type: Verb

Origin: Latin

Definition: Remove (a need or difficulty); avoid or prevent.

18 May – Ignominious

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.

19 May – Terse

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Sparing in the use of words; abrupt.

20 May – Nonchalant

Type: Adjective

Origin: French

Definition: Feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety.

21 May – Pithy

Type: Adjective

Origin: Old English

Definition: Concise and forcefully expressive.

22 May – Squalid

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.

23 May– Uxorious

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Excessively fond of or submissive to one’s wife.

24 May – Profligate

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.

25 May– Amorphous

Type: Adjective

Origin: Greek

Definition: Without a clearly defined shape or form.

26 May – Magnanimous

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful.

27 May – Cacophony

Type: Noun

Origin: Greek

Definition: A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.

28 May – Egregious

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Outstandingly bad; shocking.

29 May – Venerate

Type: Verb

Origin: Latin

Definition: Regard with great respect; revere.

30 May– Contrite

Type: Adjective

Origin: Latin

Definition: Feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt.

31 May – Overt

Type: Adjective

Origin: Old French

Definition: Done or shown openly; not hidden or secret.

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Akshay Dinesh

As a student, I am dedicated to writing articles that educate and inspire others. My interests span a wide range of topics, and I strive to provide valuable insights through my work. If you have any questions or would like to reach out, feel free to contact me at akshay[at]novolearner.com

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